Taking care of COVID-19 at home

Thanks to vaccinations, most vaccinated patients will be able to recover from their illnesses at home and will be well protected against COVID-19. It is safe and acceptable to treat COVID-19 at home when you have fewer symptoms, preserving hospital beds for those who are very ill and need immediate medical attention.
- Home treatment is recommended for minor symptoms.
- For worsening symptoms, call your doctor, GP Respiratory Clinic, or dial 1800 020 080.
- Dial Triple Zero for emergencies and extreme severe symptoms
- For eligible Victorians with COVID-19, there are now early treatment medications available to keep them healthy and out of the hospital.
- If you need a translator, call 1800 675 398.
- Keep a checklist to see what you need to do if you test positive, such as isolating and notifying your contacts.
- Visit The Royal Children’s Hospital’s website for more information about COVID-19 care for children.
- See Advice for Pregnant Women with COVID-19 for more information on COVID-19 care.
- If you do not have a primary care physician, you may seek treatment at a Respiratory Clinic. These clinics provide treatment to people with COVID-19 via telehealth or face-to-face consultations as needed, and they are free of charge, even if you do not have a Medicare card.
- When you are isolating at home with COVID-19, a healthcare professional from the COVID Positive Pathways programme may call you to ensure you get the necessary assistance.
Symptoms to look out for and when to seek medical attention
When you or someone you know is infected with COVID-19, it’s critical to keep a close eye on their symptoms, especially if they seem to worsen. You also need to seek help tailored to your specific symptoms.

For mild symptoms, recovery at home is possible
If you have mild symptoms, you may remain home. Some of the common symptoms of Covid may include:
- runny nose/blocked nose/sore throat/aches and pains
- dry cough or coughing up mucous
- sadness, worry, or fear
- headache
- change or loss of smell or taste
- Loss of appetite
- Nausea
- Fever
- Dizziness
- Shakes and chills
Mild symptoms seldom need medical care. A pharmacist may give phone guidance and home delivery of over-the-counter and regular medications while you are isolating. You should:
- Recuperate and hydrate yourself with lots of water (aim to drink 2 to 2.5 litres a day)
- Use Gastrolyte and Hydralyte in the event of vomiting or diarrhoea to rehydrate.
- Eat a balanced diet.
- If you are in pain, you may take paracetamol or ibuprofen, which are over-the-counter medications.
- Take rest.
- Do not stop taking your usual prescribed medications.
For severe symptoms, seek help
If you or someone you know experiences any of the following symptoms, call your doctor or the National Coronavirus Helpline at 1800 020 080. Worsening symptoms may include:
- Mild shortness of breath while walking around the home, but can still talk in complete sentences.
- trouble breathing, getting dressed, eating, or drinking
- little or no urine
- unable to eat or drink for 24 or 12 hours
- Inability to do daily activities and needing assistance for showering, putting on clothes etc.
Consult your doctor immediately if your symptoms worsen. Respiratory Clinics are available if you don’t have a GP. These clinics give free treatment to people with COVID-19 through telehealth or face-to-face consultations. Existing participants in the COVID, Positive Pathways programme should contact the National Coronavirus Helpline at 1800 020 080 if their symptoms worsen.
If you are experiencing the below symptoms, immediately contact Triple Zero (000):
- Severe shortness of breath or trouble breathing
- Breathing worsens quickly
- Constant or severe chest pain
- Blue lips or face
- Dizziness and fainting or a feeling or fainting
- agitation, disorientation, or extreme sleepiness
- A constant feeling of disturbance and the idea that something is wrong

What to do?
- If you or someone you’re caring for experiences any of these symptoms, call Triple Zero (000). Don’t wait for symptom improvement. Call for assistance.
- COVID-19 infection may be treated safely if you take the necessary measures. For those who have a Health Care Card or a Pensioner Concession Card, ambulance travel is completely free.
- COVID-19-positive ambulance transport expenses are now subject to special scrutiny. Ambulance Victoria’s website has details.
- Most private health insurance covers ambulances under the Ambulance Victoria Membership
Long-term COVID
Some people acquire Long COVID when they continue to have COVID-19 symptoms weeks or months after their initial infection. Consult your doctor if you think you may have Long COVID. They may assist control symptoms and send you to a specialist.
Effective isolation at home
- Stay in your room
- If you have COVID-19, isolate yourself.
- Avoid communal spaces like the kitchen or living room if others use them.
- Don’t touch, kiss, or embrace others.
- In an emergency, get support immediately.
- Limit houseguests. Consider safe alternatives where feasible.
- If possible, vulnerable persons (such as the elderly, immunocompromised, or chronically unwell) should remain elsewhere.
- You and your household connections shouldn’t have visitors while isolated.
Ventilation, hygiene, and masks matter
- Keep doors and windows open to allow fresh air, and run ceiling fans on low.
- Wear a mask and remain at least 1.5 meters away from other people.
- Wash or sanitise for 20 seconds after coughing, sneezing, blowing your nose, or removing gloves and masks.
- Wipe off areas you often use, such as doorknobs, table surfaces.
- If visitors give you meals, remind them to leave them at the door and collect it after they leave.
- Don’t share cups, glasses, dishes, cutlery, towels, or beds.