COVID-19 Medication

Some people can get medicine when they have COVID-19. These medicines are also called ‘early therapies’ or ‘antivirals’. They stop people from getting so sick that they need to go to hospital. Medicines do not replace vaccination. Getting vaccinated is the best way to protect yourself from COVID-19.
How to get COVID-19 medication
1. Get Tested
as soon as you notice symptoms to confirm you have COVID-19
2. Report your positive result
to the Department of Health at (only in English). Or by calling the Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 675 398. Need an interpreter? Press 0 when you call
3. Ask your doctor
or the COVID Positive Pathways Program if you can get COVID-19 medication
4. If you are eligible,
you will be prescribed medication. For the medicine to work best, you must take it within five days of getting sick. You should take the medication even if your symptoms are mild.
Reporting your result means you may get healthcare and other support through the COVID Positive Pathways program.
Who can get COVID-19 medications?
Only people most likely to need hospital care can get COVID-19 medications. This includes people who:
- are aged 70+
- are aged 50+ with other health conditions
- have a weakened immune system, disability or congenital heart disease
- live in an aged care facility.
Most other people can manage COVID-19 safely at home without medication.
What medications can I get?
Doctors can prescribe Lagevrio™ and Paxlovid™ (antiviral tablets) to adults. They are on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS), so they cost less money. They can also prescribe inhaled
corticosteroids (puffers) to adults and children.
Some medications are only available through hospitals. Your doctor will refer you to a hospital if you need these. You may also get referrals and support through the COVID Positive Pathways Program.
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Authorised and published by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne.
© State of Victoria, Australia, 19 July 2022. (2106044)