All you bibliophiles out there, with 2018 nearing its end, you must already be done with your reading list for this year. Read More
We are a couple of weeks away from calling an end to this year which has seen a few critically-acclaimed, and audience-approved movies till date...Read More
FIRANGI STORY: Set in 1921 pre-independent India, this limited budget period film is a languid love story served with a pinch of patriotism. FIRANGI REVIEW: One thing’s clear. With his second outing in the movies, Kapil Sharma wants to desperately drive home a point that he has no interest in milking his comic talent in […]Read More
The internet of all things is here. Today there is nothing you cannot do with the internet, and very little that you can do without it. In this piece, we look at an often-ignored angle to the internet: how it is changing the lives of animals. At the Digital Animals conference that happened in New […]Read More
Creativity and innovation are important attributes in a person, even in the cold, harsh corporate environment. In this piece, we look at what Steve Jobs thought of creativity, and what his recommendations were to all of us to become more creative and innovative. There is a lot of literature and research done on what makes […]Read More
For as long as the US Dollar has been the world’s reserve currency, it has been the ultimate safe haven bet. But geopolitical and economic reasons are gaining traction which might just displace it from the coveted position. The US Dollar is going up, up and up. It is the ultimate safe haven in the […]Read More
Late abortions based on the knowledge of the infant’s gender are illegal in India, but their numbers have risen with technological innovations that can now tell the gender of a foetus from a mere blood sample. In India, abortion based on sex selection is one of the most pertinent issues at the moment. Historically speaking, […]Read More
Prosthetics have largely increased the speed of paralympian competitors over the years. Now research is looking to make them faster so that one day, they could compete on a level playing field at the Olympics. The field of prosthetics and the developments in it have caused a revolution to occur in the area of Paralympics. […]Read More
There are many questions that the universe and human life throws at us. One of the most intriguing and baffling of them is the ‘possibility of rebirth’. Let’s keep religion, faith and science apart for a moment and take a look at these extraordinary stories, which will leave you befuddled. The parents of a 4 […]Read More
When we see someone doing something unusual, we casually utter these words – “Are you crazy?” or “He/she is crazy”. I also had this habit of judging people and tagging them to be ‘crazy’, but now that’s changed. Who changed it? A girl from my college. Hannah Mitchell had some sort of mental illness. But […]Read More