Weddings require a lot of planning. For the bride, especially, a wedding day can be quite an overwhelming affair, with the emotional and practical side mixing together to form one stressful cocktail. In this article, we tell you how to plan well for the day before your wedding.
A wedding is quite a busy occasion, and just when you think that everything is taken care of, something else crops up and calls for your attention. The day before your wedding day is the worst of all when it comes to stress; not only do you have to deal with all the emotional jitters of life-long commitment, you must also ensure that all the practical details of the wedding are spot on.
Here is a quick guide to what you must do on the day before the wedding so that you will have a good night’s sleep for your big day.
1. Pack your titbits into one handy bag
Keep a handbag ready for all those little things that you always seem to need but never find. These include such little items as safety pins, napkins and hairpins. Make sure that everything you need for the wedding venue are right at the top, and don’t forget to pack some just-in-case things like a mini deodorant, mouth freshener, sanitary pads, tissues and a quick-dial list of all your wedding vendors’ contact numbers. If a change of footwear is imminent during your ceremony, toss those in too.
2. Transport luggage into the bridal room
You wouldn’t imagine how many wedding ceremonies are delayed due to the carrying of luggage to and from the bridal room. Make sure you check-in all the clothes and garments that you will need well in time, a night before the wedding. This will force you to pack all your clothes way ahead in time, and will cause you to be more organised. Make a checklist of all the things that you would want to carry along with you to your in-laws’ house as well.
3. Lay out your wedding ensemble
Your costume is picture perfect, complete with trinkets, accessories, clothes and jewels. The more elaborate your dress, the more careful you need to be with not missing any of the many elements that make up your appearance. Instead of hunting around for a misplaced earring in the heat of the moment, make sure you have laid out your entire costume on a bed the night before, so that all you need to do in the morning is slip into it.
4. Finish all beauty treatments
Make sure all your waxing, bleaching and other treatments are done two days before your wedding. Leave the last day for just a body massage with aromatic oils. For the face, go in for lymphatic drainage massages to reduce puffiness and water retention. This will keep your face free of all those last minute pimples and rash that can potentially spoil your big day.
5. Sleep well
Looking your absolute best on your special day also means you need to exercise restraint on your day’s activities. Resist the urge to party and do your best to be in bed as early as possible. If you are too nervous to sleep, then try to unwind with a book or watch a romantic comedy, but do hit the sack well in time to wake up refreshed.