
Dob in a Dealer Campaign – Indians in Australia urged to anonymously report drug dealing activity

 Dob in a Dealer Campaign –  Indians in Australia urged to anonymously report drug dealing activity

The Dob in a Dealer campaign is a nation-wide program funded by the Federal Government to stop Australia’s supply chain of illicit drugs including methylamphetamine (ice), cocaine, MDMA, heroin and cannabis. Australians are being asked to help Crime Stoppers and the Australian Police Service disrupt the manufacture and supply of drugs in the local area by reporting anything they know about drug-dealing offences.

Crime Stoppers National Executive Officer, Liliana Montague said, “Crime Stoppers is an inclusive organisation and a trusted service that is independent of the Australian Federal Police Service”.
“We are a natural partner for community safety and crime prevention and rely on the general public to anonymously report suspicious criminal activity, so we can work with Australia’s law enforcement to help keep our communities safe,” she said.
Every year, Crime Stoppers launches national and state-based initiatives to raise awareness of specific crimes taking place within Australia’s communities to increase the information being reported by the general public.

Dob in a Dealer - Crime stoppers AustraliaCrime Stoppers Dob in a Dealer campaign encourages public support to help police intervene with criminals and organised crime gangs responsible for the manufacture and supply of these drugs and alleviate the cost to Australian communities.

“Criminal drug related activity is not only costing millions of dollars in healthcare and law enforcement, but it is tragically and unnecessarily costing human lives,” Mrs Montague said.
“Through Dob in a Dealer, we’re not asking you to dob in your mates. We’re asking you to be a mate, and look after the welfare for friends, family and colleagues by reporting to Crime Stoppers anything you have seen or heard that could relate to the import, manufacture or supply of illicit drugs. You don’t have to have the complete story. Your small piece of information could be the missing piece of the puzzle.”
Community events are being held around the nation to raise awareness for the Dob in a Dealer campaign.
Dob in a Dealer CampaignIf you have any information about someone who is manufacturing or dealing drugs, you can call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or report online at You can remain anonymous.

About Crime Stoppers Austalia

Crime Stoppers is an integral part of community safety across Australia and the state based not-for-profit volunteer-based organisations behind the program play a critical role partnering with law enforcement, the media and local communities to create awareness of criminal issues and collect information through a range of dedicated reporting channels. These details are then passed on to law enforcement agencies to help solve and prevent crime and keep Australian communities and families safe.
Crime Stoppers Australia works to create awareness of issues by raising funds for initiatives that promote a safer Australia. They also coordinate national appeals and campaigns designed to seek public support for reporting information about suspicious and criminal activities such as the Dob in a Dealer campaign.
If you have information about someone in your community who is manufacturing or supplying drugs, call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000, report securely online at or download the mobile app to report.
For more information on Crime Stoppers Australia visit

Sheena Dawn

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