
Google Receives Threats From France

 Google Receives Threats From France

The importance of data protection is on the rise all over the world after the revelations made by the ex-contractor with the NSA called Edward Snowden. According to the revelations, the USA had a secret program for monitoring Internet users. The name of the secret program is PRISM.
According to France’s CNIL, Google failed to follow the data protection guidelines during the three-month deadline; therefore, France is going to initiate a formal procedure to impose sanctions on Google. As a result of the procedure, Google may have to pay up to $220,000 to France’s CNIL.
CNIL had requested Google to let French Internet users know how it executes their private data. Moreover, it also asked Google to let the uses know how long they will keep the information in the form of cookies.
It also asked Google to get permission from users prior to saving cookies on their PCs.
At the end of the three-month period, the giant search engine replied to the CNIL and refused to accept the reasoning of the French Data Protection Authority.
In its reply, Google did not say it challenges the CNIL’s reasoning; instead, it said that it respects European law.
France took the move after Google introduced a new privacy policy enabling it to monitor user activity through its search engine. It includes YouTube as well. Now, let us see what happens.

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Abdul Waheed

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