How to master “The Three Monkeys”?

“Too much of anything is bad” is a quote related to the fact that it becomes hazardous for our health whenever we consume or do something beyond a specific degree. For instance, we love eating various cuisines; we connect through food on multiple occasions. Be it during friends get-together or family outings. But when we overeat, we start to experience many physical and mental issues, and our health deteriorates.
Similar things occur throughout our lives in different aspects; primarily, it is related to certain habits that we get accustomed to over some time. Moreover, according to their preferences, people acquire a liking for something that soon becomes a source of their addiction.
However, in the last two to three decades, we can pinpoint a few things that we collectively can’t help but obsess about. So, what will you say if someone asks you the top three things that you either keep thinking about or find yourself busy with?
Mobile, money, and mind are three things that have immense significance in our daily lives, and many experts have dubbed them “the three monkeys.” An interesting theory behind the concept; monkeys are intelligent and agile, but when they are uncontrolled or unmonitored, they are bound to create havoc. Hence, let’s dive deep into the three monkeys and note how to reduce their ill effects.
Mobile phone

We’ve all done it; waking up in the morning and checking the messages on the phone; some people spend the first thirty minutes of their morning in bed just replying to messages. Don’t even get me started on the scrolling sessions on Instagram and Facebook; social media has successfully invaded every part of our lives. Naturally, therefore, we can’t help but post pictures of every critical moment, but I bet you’ve never stopped and thought about the long-term consequences of over-usage.
What do you see whenever you travel via public transport such as a bus or a subway train? What do you notice?
Most people are looking down at their phones, immersed in chatting or browsing through the internet; you might say that it is a way of passing the time during the journey. But it was a mere example that indicates our dependence on smartphones. Additionally, gadgets such as computers or mobile phones have become indispensable, without which we cannot work or communicate.
Therefore, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that smartphones are an excellent example of technology being a helping hand. However, we cannot deny how over-indulgence leads to sleep deprivation and affects interpersonal relationships, academic attainments and work productivity.
In science fiction movies, we often see hi-tech androids or humanoid robots start by being servile towards the human protagonists, but gradually they overtake their lives. We can see a similar pattern regarding mobiles phones as well, wherein they take precedence over having a conversation face to face with a person.
Although it is challenging to eliminate mobile usage, we can minimise it, especially when we are with our families. For example, you do not need to check your mobile every five to ten seconds to check the messages or spend hours on social media counting the likes to validate yourself.

What is the purpose of working or studying? To have an established career, earn sufficient money and fulfil your dreams. Money is the end goal of most, if not all, ventures, which explains the commercial mindset that we all have grown to develop. Hence, when some individuals complain about people running after the money, we quickly correct them.
The middle-class and lower-middle-class populations always micromanage their finances depending on the country’s economic strength. However, they have particular goals and dreams which require money; hence they begin accumulating and saving. Also, individuals who experienced poverty or underprivileged livelihood during their early days know the value of money.
But some people, irrespective of their socio-economic structure, love to splurge on trivial things, be it branded clothes or unhealthy habits like drinking and smoking. Such practices can provide them with momentary bliss, but after a while, they realise their mistake when they run out of resources.
It will sound preachy and unrealistic to say that we should not have materialistic aspirations and not solely pursue monetary goals. However, we would do well to remember that along with securing our financial backgrounds; we should also reimagine the wealth in terms of health, relationships, goodwill, character and contentment.

Our mind is a unique asset filled with intelligence and uncovered potential, and it is the instrument that drives us to do everything. In addition, the mind power is responsible for producing creativity and imagination, hence leading people to success in various fields. Simultaneously, the mind is also behind your happiness or unhappiness, opportunities or obstacles.
Whether it was the first time, you won a sketching/painting competition or when you succeeded in giving an excellent presentation. Your mind enables you to reach your optimum potential and contributes to your productivity. But unfortunately, there are plenty of things such as anxiety, anger, jealousy, fear, depression, and other irrational and negative thoughts that negatively affects our mind. Additionally, our mental health is severely impacted due to trauma, work or family-related stress, etc. Hence, when our mind reaches capacity and can no longer endure the pressure, we have a meltdown. So, it is necessary to have time out or a break whenever it gets too much to recover lost energy.
But how about you don’t let yourself get to that point in the first place itself?
One way to do this is “non-attachment”, which might sound intimidating because it is a spiritual phrase that prescribes severe self-discipline and deprives of worldly desires. But since we are not aiming to become ascetic( at least most of us aren’t), we can interpret non-attachment as living to the fullest without being attached to something or someone.
In conclusion, to master the three monkeys( mobile phone, money and mind), you should cultivate the attitude of non-attachment. It will help you not get too dependent upon anything, which would have a long-lasting impact on your mind and body.