Indian Uber Driver from Adelaide – Blatantly Denies Terrorism Claims. Doesn’t Deny Double Life!

Today Tonight has featured a story about a controversial Indian Sikh man, Gurjant Singh, living in Western Adelaide. According to the news show, the university student and Uber driver are accused of being an extremist and could potentially face deportation.
28-year-old Singh, who resides in the suburb of Beverly, routinely records video rants from his house and car in between Uber drives where he condemns any form of vulgarity from Sikh music groups. However, this wasn’t a problem until two violent fundamentalists were arrested in India and claimed Singh as their leader. Now both the Indian and Australian police are suspicious of him.
Mr Singh insists that he is not the leader of an underground terrorist group and does not encourage violence in his videos posted on Facebook. When asked if he is a terrorist, he said just, “No. I’m not.”
He continued to TodayTonight, “I have no idea who those people are” when questioned over the identities of the two arrested extremists and insists that he is not against anything except vulgar singing.
Because of complaints against him, Mr Singh is now facing possible deportation while he attempts to apply for a working visa.
However, Mr Singh does not deny that he is more than just an Uber driving university student. In his spare time, he does lead what could be called a “double life” by attempting to inform the youth of the dangers they face and has built up a following on Facebook, where 216,045 followers have tuned in to hear him talk about how music is too focused on alcohol, drugs and promiscuity and corrupting the Sikh youth.
He said, “They are glorifying things” and does not want to see young people go down a dangerous and immoral path.