For all those of you who are struggling with budget and schedule constraints to go on your full-fledged tour, here is a quick guide on how to have a microadventure around where you live.
Though the word adventure means different things to different people, we all want some of it in our lives. It is why travel is such a ubiquitous item on everyone’s to-do list. However, full-fledged travel is harsh both on our timetables and our budgets, but that doesn’t mean we cannot get our dose of adventures without breaking the wallet or the schedule.
The answer is to go on microadventures.
Even for those of us living in cities, we’re never too far away from wilderness and a pretty place. Whether these are mountains, woods, the beach or just a walking trail, a microadventure packs the same kind of feeling into a few hours that you get from a complete, full-blown trip.
Here is a quick, essential guide on how to go about having your very own microadventure.
1. Decide whether you want to go on a weekend microadventure or a weekday one. The former will give you a couple of days for your activities, while the latter will leave you only with a few hours. You need to plan accordingly.
2. Take your basic camping kit with you: this means rucksacks, sleeping bag, a survival bag, a comfortable sleeping mat, torch, raincoat, wool hat, warm clothes, ready-to-eat food, water and toothbrush.
3. Pick your camping area carefully. You want to find a flat area to sleep on, because gradients and lumps on the ground magically swell in size (or so it seems) during the night. If possible, pick a place which as a nice scenery and view: a bit of water, a bit of mountain view, and far enough from the road so that you don’t get woken up much.

Jason Lee

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