Tanishq Jewelry commercial mirrors modern Indian society

 Tanishq Jewelry commercial mirrors modern Indian society

India is called a developing country, but we still live in an underdeveloped society. If not then why a simple beautiful commercial of a single mother getting married again causes a stir across the nation. Second marriage is still frowned upon by a majority of people, may it be of a divorcee or a widowed woman or a man. This same commercial would have a blissful acceptance in the west.

There is also a large part of the population who welcome such changes in the society as tons of tweets and shares on the social networking sites supported the idea. But the question remains – why a couple getting married again such a big deal in India.

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Filmmaker Gauri Shinde (English Vinglish – 2012) directed the commercial designed by Lowe Lintas India. They wanted it to be subtle, clean and beautiful with emotions that will be accepted, like the Groom accepted his little new daughter’s wish with open arms to join the ‘Pheras’ (Indian tradition of revolving around the fire seven times while making seven lifelong promises with the other half) which was initially denied by her mother.

Apart from the second marriage, people also have problems with the woman’s dusky skin. I mean what is this fascination with the fair skin in all fairness when the society itself is not fair. The same advertising agency also designs fairness cream commercials, so business is a business is a business I guess.

Indian society is a confused society with a mixture of age old thoughts and new age ignorance. At one side we promote fairness creams (dusky is risky) and vagina tightening creams and on the other side we have problems with people getting happily married again.

Pradip Atluri

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