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Indians have become the second-largest migrant group in Australia

 Indians have become the second-largest migrant group in Australia

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) submitted a report stating that from 2011 to 2021, Indian-born migrants increased by 373,000, followed by 208,000 from China and 118,000 from the Philippines. Consequently, Indians account for 2.8 percent of the population, while China accounts for 2.3 percent, and Britons are leading with the majority of 3.8 percent.

However, Jenny Dobak, Head of Migration Statistics at the ABS, pointed out that although Australia witnessed a population increase of 45,000 from June 2020 to June 2021, there was a sharp decline in the overseas population. Besides, the decline is due to the pandemic, wherein Australia’s overseas-born population came down to 29.1 percent from 29.8 percent a year earlier.

Ms Dobak highlighted that the pandemic affected the overseas migration in and out of Australia, mainly due to the Covid-19 travel restrictions. Furthermore, the disease outbreak also interfered with many people’s intention to travel or migrate for work and study.

In 2021, 7.5 million people living in Australia were reported to be born overseas compared to 7.7 million people a year earlier. Moreover, in 2021, the highest proportions of the population born overseas were aged between 35 to 39 years, with the Indian-born population having a median age of 36 years, up from 31 years in 2021.

On the other hand, ABS figures also indicate that In February 2022, over 20,000 resident return trips were from India, followed by 12,760 visits from the US and 8,150 from the UK.

Australia has been one of the most preferred countries to migrate into and build a life for Indians for the past few years. For example, Melbourne resident Taran Singh, 30, migrated to Australia a few years ago, and the Australian government recently granted him permanent residency. Mr Singh said that Australia is a beautiful place, and since he has his maternal uncle living in the country, it prompted him to migrate here.

He further emphasised that Australia is a land of opportunities, and he was delighted after his permanent residency application was granted. Similarly, Rishab Gore, 33, reflected on his journey; initially, he was conflicted between Canada and Australia, but finally, he chose the latter and arrived two years ago.

As of 2016, Victoria topped the chart for having the most significant number of India-born migrants at more than 180,000, followed by New South Wales with 153,000 Indians.
More than 53,000 Indian-born migrants lived in Queensland and Western Australia, while around 29,000 residents in South Australia were born in India.

Will the Indian diaspora benefit Australia?

Immigration played a significant role in preventing a recession in Australia for the last 28 years until the Covid-19 led to an economic crisis. On the other hand, China fell from second to third place as a source of immigrants due to severing ties. Moreover, Prime Minister Scott Morrison called for an independent probe into the coronavirus’ origin, which first emerged in the Chinese city of Wuhan. As a result, Beijing responded with a series of punitive trade actions which affected the commodities such as coal, barley, lobsters and wine.

Treasurer Frydenberg, in an interview last month (March 2022), said that the Australian government would look to reduce its dependence on China following the economic coercion from Beijing. Hence, India appeared to be a prospective and ideal country to strengthen trade and commercial ties.

Therefore, Australia signed the FTA deal with India earlier this month, intending to boost the trade currently dominated by coal. Additionally, Arindam Chakraborty at ANZ Banking Group Ltd. said the expansion of India’s diaspora is likely to be a “significant” source of human capital for Australia in the years to come. The deal may prove lucrative for energy shipments.

Also, in the coming years, India will expand its IT services, which will further facilitate the opportunity to export those services to Australia.

Varsha Saini

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