
Know your strengths and weaknesses according to your zodiac sign

 Know your strengths and weaknesses according to your zodiac sign

Reading palms to predict the future might seem like complete hogwash, especially without an accurate explanation and certified practitioners. Irrespective of the irrationality aspect many intellectuals point out, it is crucial to highlight its ancient origins. Vedic astrology is integral to India’s ancient knowledge system and suggests that stars and planetary bodies impact our lives.

Besides, astrology indicates that your birth date, place, and time considerably influence your personality. Therefore, the placements in your birth chart reveal much about who you are as a person, your past, and even your future direction.

While many natal chart placements go into your personality as a whole, your Sun sign (which people regularly refer to as your zodiac sign) provides a look into your strongest and most noticeable traits, including some very common strengths and weaknesses.

So, check out individual weaknesses and strengths of zodiac signs and verify if it matches yours:

Aries (March 21st – April 19th)



As an Aries, you are determined. You are naturally motivated, and it doesn’t take much convincing for you to chase after your dreams. You have a natural confidence about you that attracts others, and it’s contagious. For instance, if you want to ace an exam, you start preparing for it early on and overcome all distractions; job aspirants vying for a particular position work hard to achieve the job they want.


Being motivated and aim-oriented has its advantages, but it also has a downside; the tendency to lose your temper easily when things don’t go your way. On the other hand, emotions get the best of you; acting on impulse rather than reason is one of the major issues that may land you in trouble. Sometimes you might say or do something that you don’t actually mean.

Taurus (April 20th – May 21st)



As a Taurus, you are adorable and usually make an effort for people you love; passion, devotion and reliability are a few of the most crucial personality attributes. People rely upon you when seeking comfort as they know you will not betray them.


It becomes difficult for you to compromise with others as you know your self-worth, which is not necessarily a weakness, but too much of something can be jeopardizing. Also, you become obsessed with or attached to a person or idea and have trouble letting it go. Finally, stubbornness is one of your fatal weaknesses, which can confuse others due to your compassion.

Gemini (May 22nd – June 21st)



As a Gemini, you love being adored and being the subject of someone’s affection; you enjoy knowing that someone solely wants you. You have a loving personality and long to give your affection to someone who deserves it.


Being finicky and indecisive are your vices, and you struggle to make up your mind about something or someone. Therefore, people may perceive you as inconsistent and undependable; your thoughts, ideas, and emotions are all over the place. Also, given the fact you constantly keep changing your mind, others find it hard to take you too seriously.

Cancer (June 22nd – July 22nd)



Creativity is within your soul, and you have a heart of gold. You empathize with people around you and those who have a tough time. Furthermore, you are emotionally intelligent; people often come to you for advice. Plus, you are a persuasive person and capable of influencing others.


Being emotional is like a two-edged sword for you because, on the one hand, you are emotionally intelligent; on the other hand, emotions can get the best of you. For instance, your sentiments may lead you to take destructive decisions. Unfortunately, you suffer from insecurities and often project that onto those you love; your mood swings are unpredictable, making it hard for people to determine what you feel.

Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)



Leos are natural-born leaders and are distinguished people who stand out from the crowd; they shine brighter than others. Also, you are generous and have a huge heart; you love opening up to a select few who are on your wavelengths and mean the most to you.


Being short-tempered is one of the most significant issues that trouble you from time to time; you may come across to others as arrogant, self-centred and egotistical. You may focus on prioritizing your needs instead of others. You have a strong sense of self and prefer things being done your way; hence, the” my way or the highway attitude” makes it hard for you to alter your behaviour or be flexible.

Virgo (August 23rd – September 22nd)



You are a hardworking person and work very hard to accomplish everything in your life. Besides, you are rational, and you strive to take a practical approach to do something and work towards making your dreams or aspirations align with reality. However, being down-to-earth does not mean you don’t aim high and work towards accomplishing goals.


Being self-critical of others is your dominant vice, making it a habit to pick apart others and yourself. You can’t help but judge others based on everything you find wrong, so nitpicking often gets a little too intense. Additionally, you fret about what others think about you and fail to understand that being judgemental about others is not beneficial in any way.

Libra (September 23rd – October 22nd)



Your lively and joyful personality makes it easy for you to become everyone’s friend. And people are drawn to you due to your bubbly personality and comforting and empathetic nature. You are a happy-go-lucky person and enjoy being in the company of people and friends. Moreover, you are capable of adapting to any kind of situation you find yourself in.


You are non-confrontational; you hate confronting anyone about anything and despise being confronted equally. Also, you tend to run from things, making people think you are an escapist. Finally, you hate making up your mind about anything and everything; therefore, you are more than willing to follow someone else’s decision instead of making your own.

Scorpio (October 23rd – November 22nd)



As a Scorpio, you are a true friend. Anyone who is close to you will say that’s true. You are one of a kind. And others find it easy to go to you when they require emotional support.


As a Scorpio, you are distrusting at times. Others find it difficult to put their trust in you because you always have an alternative motive. You have a jealous streak, which causes a tremendous amount of self-loathing. It’s hard for you to be happy for others when you secretly envy them simultaneously.

Sagittarius ( November 23rd – December 21st)



You have an excellent sense of humour. You are easily amused. And you love to make other people happy and keep them in good spirits. You can be a goofball. And others admire that about you. You’re an all-around good time and someone others want to be around.


You tend to promise others more than you can deliver. You talk a big game, and sometimes you don’t initiate the action to back up that game. You’re a fan of the instant gratification method for almost everything. So you struggle with being patient. To be honest, patience just isn’t in your vocabulary.

Capricorn (December 22nd – January 20th)



You are self-motivated. You have discipline in your blood. And you’ve coached yourself through life with little to no help from an outside source until this point in your life. As a result, you are known for being responsible and always doing the right thing, no matter the given circumstances. People admire that most about you.


As a Capricorn, you might come across as being a ‘know-it-all’. And although you might think you know it all, acting this way gives others a negative impression of who you really are. Sometimes it forces them to believe that you’re condescending and arrogant.

Aquarius (January 1st – February 18th)



As an Aquarius, you are independent and strive to care for yourself without anyone’s help. Also, you are creative, and your ideas are original and inspiring, encouraging others to praise them.


Being too self-dependent often may come across as being aloof, and at times when you act stoic, you may be emotionless. And you find it hard to show any signs of weakness, which to you means showing emotion. And that’s because you thrive off your independence, being your best, most admired quality.

Pisces (February 19th – March 20th)



As a Pisces, you are intuitive. You know what you’re feeling at all times. You can always perceive your emotions without having to dig too deep to find them. You are also in tune with the emotions of others around you.


As a Pisces, you tend to play the victim and are good at it. You might come across as a sad soul, always showing that as an emotion you’re feeling. You find it hard to put trust in not only other people but in yourself too. Sometimes you get trapped in your own head, and it’s hard for you to look on the bright side.

Chirag Thakkar

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