


Hair treatment often costs a bomb, and we think that the secret to good hair is luxury treatment and bottles of shampoo and conditioner. On the contrary, hair treatment can be simple and cost-effective when we use foods from kitchens. In this article, we give you six ideas for beautiful hair with no fuss!

You may think that the secret to good, healthy hair is in a bottle of shampoo or in an expensive treatment, but you will be surprised to know that the most important factors that govern good hair health are found in the average kitchen. Yes, you heard us right; Mother Nature has blessed us with a bounty of food filled with nourishing elements. We just need to know what they are. Here are a few foods that your tresses will love.

1. Extra virgin olive oil
Olive oil is the perfect panacea for everything. Not only does it taste good in food, but it is also lovely for your hair. Rich in Vitamin E, it is one of the best natural hair conditioners going around. It is anti-inflammatory, keeps your scalp healthy by preventing dandruff, and also has a beautiful texture that will make your hair nice to hold.

2. Mayonnaise
Mayonnaise just doesn’t taste good on bread and in burgers, but it is great to strengthen your hair because it is so rich in protein. Since it is made of egg, it is a great strengthening agent and also a good moisturising mask. All it takes is a small dollop of mayonnaise every few days to keep your hair tough and strong.

3. Coconut oil
You probably already know about this, but it bears repeating just in case you don’t. It is a versatile beauty product, and among the best products out there for hair health. It contains fatty acids that help moisturise and treat the scalp. It is also an ideal conditioner for dry hair and can be used as detangling agent for thick and curly hair that knots too easily.

4. Avocado
Is there anything that avocado cannot do? It’s known to be a superfood rich in just about every nutrient you want, and it’s no surprise that it’s good for your hair as well. It’s a great base to mix in other ingredients for a hair mask, and it is filled with nourishing vitamins that your hair can drink in for thick, lustrous growth. Make your hair look deliciously healthy with a blast of avocado.

5. Honey
This is a little counter-intuitive because honey is a sticky substance that feels icky on the hair. But don’t go by just that feeling, because honey is a natural anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial agent. When it’s applied to hair, it can soothe dry scalps and give your locks a shiny, moisturised look with little to no effort.

6. Tomato
Found in just about every kitchen in the world, this powerhouse of Vitamin A will give you healthier, stronger hair. If you mix in tomato juice with olive oil, you will get an exceptional treatment for dry and damaged hair.

Chirag Thakkar

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