Now we like a bargain as much as the next guy, so cheap bags are great. But there is always a time and place to flash a brand that shows people you’ve got the moolah. It’s impressive enough coming across as financially conscious with your bargain purchases, but just imagine how much cooler is it if you could show off your coolness at the same time.
Having said that, just because you’re spending half a fortune on a bag doesn’t mean that you’re getting your money’s worth. Most times it means that you’re paying a ridiculous amount of dosh for a designer label. However, here is a list of six bag brands that we think are actually worth paying money for.
1. Elizabeth and James
This is the brand that belongs to the Olsen Twins. And they’re not messing around. Their bags are luxe, stylish and stunning. They walk the line between classic and trendy without slipping even once, which means they’re well worth the added investment no matter what style you choose.
2. Aritzia
Imagine a bag with thick and supple leather, minimal hardware, and practically nonexistent external branding. Their bags look like they should easily cost three or four times their actual price, and that’s a compliment not many veterans get, let alone someone like Aritzia who began manufacturing bags just this year.
3. Pour La Victoire
You wouldn’t expect a celebrity-helmed accessories brand to be this good, but Cameron Diaz’s Pour La Victoire is making some of the choicest bags on the market. They are classic, without being boring, and they are well made, so you will have and be able to use them for years and years.
4. Coach
Since Stuart Vevers came on as Executive Creative Director in the fall of 2013, Coach has upped its fashion game and taken its already great leather bags to another level. After two knockout runway shows in the New York Fashion Week, Vevers is all set to come into his own this fall, with the release of a collection of versatile yet style-forward bags which are sure to appeal both to Coach loyalists and also to newcomers.
5. Rebecca Minkoff
Rebecca Minkoff is known for zipper tassels and spring-loaded clips, but she does create bags that break away from her brand image. Some of her best bags feature some classic design elements, and they look way more expensive than they are. So if you’re going for that sleek, feminine look, pick up a Minkoff. You will not be disappointed.
6. Loeffler Randall
Loeffler Randall makes ‘undeniably feminine’ shoes and bags. This unabashedly feminine brand boasts of clean lines, high quality material and stunning colour, print and text elements that bring their bags a fresh look not present in any other bag range at any price.