
Australian Government announces the end of mandatory COVID-19 isolation

 Australian Government announces the end of mandatory COVID-19 isolation

Australians can now be relieved as the Government has scrapped the five-day mandatory isolation on testing Covid positive. Furthermore, after a cabinet meeting on 30th September, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced that all state and territory Covid-19 isolation rules will end from 14th October. So, each state and territory will execute the isolation rules depending on specific state-based legislation.

What is the official date when Australia’s Covid-19 rule will end?

The official date is 14th October; all states and territories will discontinue the necessary rule for 5 days of isolation for people who test Covid-19 positive. However, an exception still exists for working professionals in specific sectors; people working in high-risk settings like health and aged care facilities need to isolate.

Does the end of the isolation mandate mean people can go to work or school despite being Covid-19 positive?

The isolation mandate’s end means that people will no longer require to stay at home for five days if they test Covid positive. Hence, it means that people can continue with their daily activities, including going to school or work; but people working in high-risk environments still need to follow the mandate.

However, medical professionals and experts still advise people to avoid working or going to crowded places if they are ill and experiencing serious symptoms.

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Will the Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment still be available for Covid positive people?

The pandemic leaves disaster payment facility will end on 14th October with the mandate’s discontinuation. Meanwhile, there will be a few ‘’targeted financial support” available to casual workers, depending on the current payment and for aged care, disability care, Indigenous healthcare and hospital care sectors employees.

Does this indicate that Covid-19 is gradually declining in terms of infection rates?

Unfortunately, no, as the disease continues to progress by causing reinfection; hence, the Chief Medical Officer, Professor Paul Kelly, pointed out that it is about time to eliminate‘’Covid exceptionalism’’. Additionally, he highlighted that we have been treating Covid-19 as a viral respiratory disease that is more severe and impactful than others, like influenza.

However, the virus will continue to evolve, leading to an increasing number of cases in the future, as witnessed early this year. Thankfully, presently the country has been encountering low rates of hospitalisations, intensive care admissions, aged-care crises, and other measures.

Will the mandatory Covid-19 isolation period return?

Depending on the number of cases in terms of hospitalisations and intensive care treatments, the Government will take action related to mandatory covid-19 isolation.

Varsha Saini

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