
Diwali and its spiritual significance

 Diwali and its spiritual significance

Diwali is usually considered as the Festival of Lights by Indian people and is being celebrated on a grand scale all across the country. The festival holds a symbolic meaning in the lives of Hindu people as they say that it brings prosperity and happiness to their homes. Diwali demarcates the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya after spending 14 years in exile. India is a place where Diwali is celebrated by everyone as people decorate their homes with lights and colours. Furthermore, shopkeepers consider Diwali as an auspicious occasion to start a new fiscal. Diwali also marks the arrival of winter season.
On this occasion, people light candles all over their homes as well as lamps. The serenity of this festival is such that people consider it to be the occasion where their souls are purified with lights. People buy new clothes and there is an enriching atmosphere all around. According to myth, almighty sent us to mother earth and also created a pathway which will be taken by us when we leave for our heavenly abode. However, free will has been imposed on us human beings by God and we are free to pursue our own endeavours.
Henceforth, the spiritual significance of Diwali lies in the fact that we are all bestowed our respective opportunities in order to attain glory and bless from our dear lord. Now it is up to us to take that opportunity and turn it to our own benefit. Thus, Diwali is known as the festival of lights.

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Amit Batra

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