
Places to hangout in Melbourne

 Places to hangout in Melbourne

Flinders Street Station

Flinders Street Station is one of the most commonly revered spectacles in Melbourne and people throng this place to admire its architecture. The station was built 100 years back and the dome on top of the station is a magnificent piece of architecture. The staircase at the main entrance of Flinders Street Station has always been a hangout spot for youngsters.

Pedestrian Bridge, Yarra River

This place is basically known for the pillar which goes deep into the Yarra River as it has benches where you can sit for hours and hours at a stretch. There is a small opening at the centre part of the bridge which goes down to the river. You can walk over the Pedestrian Bridge at night and enjoy the skyline of Melbourne.

Riverland Bar

This bar has been the hangout place for youngstersfor ages. You can visit the place with your friends and grab jugs of beer which enjoying the bucolic charm of the décor. But if you wish to have a quiet romantic night with your loved one, then this might not be the ideal place. On evenings of Friday and weekends, this place is fully packed.


Chinatowns are certainly there in all corners of the world but the speciality of this place lies in its assortment of rich Asian cultures. You can visit this place in the evenings to grab a bite as the cost of food is quite economical. All you have to do is walk down the Little Bourne Street straight to Chinatown and enjoy its delicacies. 

Hoiser Lane, Opposite to Federation Square

If you have a strong penchant for graffiti art forms, then this is a place to be. Walk by this place and you will get to see umpteen graffiti designs engraved on the walls and the best part is that they are all legal. And if need be, you can bring your imagination into display by engraving an idea of yours into an appealing graffiti.

Christian Mc Karthy

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