Scientific traditions behind Hindu traditions that will leave you amazed
Indian traditions might seem different and unnecessary to several modern citizens today, but our ancestors definitely thought about the science behind these traditions before implementing them into society.
1. Joining hands to greet
Since ancient times, Hindus have greeted each other by means of joining their palms together, commonly known as the “Namaskar”. He reason why we do this is because when we join our palms together, the tips of the fingers join and they hence stimulate nerves which help us remember the person we are greeting for a long time. Who knew a simple Namaskar could have so much meaning behind it.
2. Why do Indian women wear toe rings?
Indian women, especially newlyweds wear toe rings on the second toe. There exists a particular nerve from the second toe which connects it to the uterus and then to the heart. Wearing the toe ring basically regulates blood flow during menstrual cycles and helps strengthen the uterus. Silver being a good conductor absorbs energy from the earth and passes it to the body.
3. Throwing coins into a river
In ancient times, coins were made out of copper, which is a vital metal for healthy human body. When these coins were thrown into the rivers and running water, the copper content in the water increases, thus ensuring our copper intake also increases.
4. Applying kum-kum on the forehead
Married women have the tradition to apply a bindi or kum-kum on their forehead. The spot where women apply this is considered to be one of the major nerve points in the human body. The kum kum between the eyebrows helps retain the energy and increase concentration level as the Adnya chakra is automatically pressed while application. It also facilitates blood flow to the face.
5. Why do temples have bells
People consider ringing the bell of the temple before entering. The science behind this is that the ringing of the bell helps us attain better concentration and clears our mind for complete devotional attention. The duration of the echo of the bell is strong enough to also activate the seven healing centres of our body and thus emptying our brain of all negative thoughts.
6. Why do we start with spice and end with sweet
Spicy food initiates the digestive juices to flow into the stomach and thus regulates the entire digestion process. Thus Indians prefer to have spicy food followed by sweets to maintain a healthy digestive system.
7. Application of Henna on the hands and feet
Henna is a very powerful medicinal herb. During weddings, it is applied to the bride’s hands and feet to reduce stress levels and also keep the nerves from getting tense. It cools and relaxes the body. He hands and the feet have all the nerve endings of the body and thus it is applied here in order to cool them down.
8. Sitting on the floor and eating
Whenever we sit on the floor, we tend to cross our legs and sit, or in “sukhasana”. Sitting in this position not only helps in digestion of the food, but also triggers nerves to send signals to the brain to prepare the body for the digestive process.
9. Why should you not sleep with your head towards the north?
Human body has its own magnetic field and as it is well known, the earth’s magnetic waves flow from South Pole to the north. When we sleep with our head in the northern direction, our body is completely asymmetrical to the earth’s magnetic field causing several health hazards. Also this leads to coagulation of iron from our blood in our brain which again leads to several diseases.
10. Why do we pierce our ears?
Ear piercing helps to increase ones intellect, thinking power and decision making abilities. Even though this tradition has been quite westernized in today’s world, piercing the ear helps one in restraint of one’s speech and thus preventing too much energy from talkativeness.
11. Surya Namaskar
The Surya Namaskar helps in regulating the entire bodily functions and helps improve the flexibility of the body. The reason why it is performed during day break is because the early rays of the sun are a very good source of vitamin D and also are very good for the eyes.
12. Why married women apply sindoor
Application of sindoor or vermillion is an age old tradition that is followed by Indian women to extend the life of their husbands. But in actuality, this vermillion is a great source of mercury which not only helps increase sex drive but also relieves one’s pituitary glands of stress.
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