Modern men are averse to wearing pink, and they think the colour robs them of their masculinity. In this article, we try to tell you why this is wrong, and why adding a dash of pink to your wardrobe will add a touch of style to your life as well.

Pink has always been a popular colour for women, but nowadays, it is becoming the colour of choice with men too. For way too long, pink has been a colour meant only for the runway, and something that straight men are supposed to stay away from. Our biggest fear is that we will end up looking like Barbie dolls in pink.

But that doesn’t always have to be the case. There are ways in which you can incorporate pink into your dressing sense without compromising on your masculinity. With men embracing their feminine sides with panache in the twenty-first century, here are a few ways in which you can wear your pink and be proud of it.

1. Pink is not a girly colour

Yes, repeat that until it sinks in. You may think that girls have a natural preference for pink, but that is very much a social phenomenon than a biological one. In fact, until pastel colours became such a rage in clothing, boys and girls were both dressed in white until the age of six. Also, in a 1918 trade catalogue, blue was recommended for girls because it’s a more ‘tender’ colour, whereas pink, which is ‘more passionate’, was recommended for boys. Remember that today’s rule may be broken tomorrow, especially in fashion. Why not be the one to usher in the change?

2. Choose the right shade for your complexion

Not all shades of pink are created equal. If you’re really scared that pink will ruin your image, start with barely noticeable light shades of pink and ease your way in. Also, be mindful that if your skin tone is dark, lighter shades will suit you better whereas if you’re fairer in complexion, darker shades of pink will work.


3. Start with accessories

This is another way of doing it if you’re not yet ready to go all out. A pink bowtie or a pink pocket square will act as good entry points into your world of pink fashion, and if your friends don’t notice it or if they give you compliments (especially your female friends), then it’s time to go the extra step.

4. Wear a pink shirt

A pink shirt, especially if it’s the right shade, goes with pants and suit of any colour. It pairs well with grey, black, navy blue, and even khakis. And if this goes well, then you’re ready to go the whole hog and wear a pink suit or a blazer and wow everyone with your suavity.

Chirag Thakkar

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