Tired all the time? It is okay to feel tired once in a while, but being habitually exhausted points to an underlying problem that you probably need to address. According to the Royal College of Psychiatrists, one in every five people feels unusually tired at any given time, while one in ten suffers from prolonged fatigue. 

If you find yourself TATT – the acronym for “tired all the time” – these are the most likely reasons behind it:

  1. Being overweight or underweight
    Overweight or underweight people tend to feel tired all the time because their bodies have to work harder than usual to accomplish everyday tasks. Being overweight creates more strain on your organs while being too light means you lack muscle strength leading to constant fatigue.
  2. Anaemia and thyroid problems
    Iron deficiency anaemia is one of the most common reasons behind constant fatigue. It reportedly affects one in twenty men and older women and is even more prevalent in women who go through monthly periods. You can also feel continuously tired due to an underactive thyroid gland which leaves you with too little thyroid hormone in your body.
  3. Poor lifestyle habits
    Drinking too much alcohol and overeating junk food can affect your sleep and even cause you depression. According to Harvard Health Publications, there is usually a strong correlation between heavy drinking and sleeplessness, which leads to constant fatigue. Junk foods, on the other hand, contain unhealthy fats, lots of salt and sugars which predispose you to obesity and tiredness. Poor eating habits such as skipping breakfast and not having enough exercise can also make you feel worn out.
  4. Dehydration
    Not being properly hydrated can be a cause of tiredness. Research that was conducted by the Natural Hydration Council in Britain showed that one in five patients consult the doctor about fatigue, which usually turns out to be the result of dehydration. According to the doctors interviewed, only four per cent believe patients are aware of how much water they should take daily. The recommended amount of water to take is eight glasses for women and ten glasses for men.
  5. Anxiety and depression
    Some people suffer from constant anxiety, officially termed as termed as generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), which leaves them feeling worried, irritable and tired. Depression, like anxiety, can cause you sleepless nights and leave you drained of energy.
  6. Restless legs
    Also known as Willis-Ekbom disease, restless legs syndrome is associated with the nervous system and is known to create a strong urge in the affected person to keep their legs moving. Restless legs cause deep aches in someone’s legs sometimes creating jerking motions which can be disruptive to one’s sleep. Interference with sleep is what causes fatigue.
  7. Diabetes
    Feeling very tired is one of the classic symptoms of diabetes, a condition caused by too much sugar in your blood. Diabetes also makes you feel very thirsty and pass urine at a high frequency. 

Divya Mangal

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