
Mark Lynn

Indian News


The Global Hunger Index is a tool designed to comprehensively measure and track hunger at global, regional, and national levels. Index scores are calculated each year to assess progress and setbacks in combating global hunger. This year’s scores were released recently and show India came in at 101 out of 116 countries. Only 15 countries...Read More

Covid 19

Covishield Given Recognition By Australia

More artillery in the war on Covid is always welcome. For that reason, we applaud the news that Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced the Serum Institute of India’s vaccine, ‘Covishield’, will now be part of the family of recognised vaccines in Australia. The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), Australia’s drug regulatory body, also confirmed that...Read More

Australia Covid 19

Australia’s Roadmap To Freedom

Is that a light we see at the end of the COVID tunnel? Recently, Premier Gladys Berejiklian suggested that once NSW hits the 80% milestone for those fully vaccinated, citizens will be able to travel without restriction within the state. Even better, when the 90% mark is hit, even more restrictions will lift. So, at...Read More

Australia Immigration News

Massive Emigration of Australian Skilled Workers May Result in ‘Persistent Skill Shortages’ – Parliament Report

More than half a million migrants, most of whom were skilled workers, have left Australia since early 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic first hit the country. This has caused severe labour shortages in many industries across the nation. In a recent report, Parliament advocates for changes in Australia’s skilled migration program to prevent the further...Read More

Australia Handpicked News

82,000 Australian Mortgage Deferrals Ending – Hard Times To Follow For Many!

The financial impact of hard lockdowns on Australian households has been revealed, with Victoria shown to have more outstanding mortgage deferrals than any other state in the country. According to Australia-wide reports, homeowners have started repaying about 81% of the overall mortgage deferrals granted since June 2020. Still, despite these payments being made, a large...Read More

Australia Covid 19 News

National experts not consulted on curfew

The Government did not consult the national health regulatory authority for implementing the curfew in Victoria. Deputy Chief of the medical division has stated that the Government did not discuss the control measures with the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC), and now they are facing challenging consequences. He further added that it was a...Read More