
‘It’s Not a Disgrace, It’s Dementia’ Short Film Released in Hindi

 ‘It’s Not a Disgrace, It’s Dementia’ Short Film Released in Hindi

A new short film has been released for the Hindi-­speaking community designed to encourage acceptance of dementia as a medical condition -­ and not a normal part of ageing.

This is the latest in an award-­winning series of films aimed at a number of non-English speaking communities in Australia to help de-­stigmatise and promote awareness of the condition. The film was developed to encourage the acceptance of dementia as a medical condition, dispel myths, and educate the community about the disease.

The film provides up to date information on dementia through interviews with Hindi-Australian doctors, carers, counsellors and the stories of the friends, families and carers of people diagnosed with dementia.

Dementia Australia counsellor, Vandita Nijhawan said in the Indian community there can be shame when talking about things that happen within the house to outsiders, particularly when it affects the brain

“Dementia is nothing to be ashamed of,” Ms Nijhawan said

The video reassures friends and families of those diagnosed with dementia that feelings of shame or embarrassment can be alleviated by understanding that dementia is a common disease such as heart disease or high blood-pressure.

“I encourage people to use the free services available through Dementia Australia, which includes translations of information about dementia,” Ms Nijhawan said.

Dementia is described by doctors in the film as a collection of symptoms that are caused by disorders affecting the brain and affecting thinking, behaviour and the ability to perform everyday tasks. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia but it is just one of more than 100 types.

The risk of dementia increases with age but is not a normal part of ageing. Dementia can happen to anybody of any age, race, religion or gender.

The documentary styled film, titled ‘It’s Not a Disgrace, It’s Dementia’, is available online at

The ‘It’s Not a Disgrace It’s Dementia’ series of films are short and family-friendly, running at around 15 minutes in length. They are already available in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Mandarin, Arabic, Serbian, Cambodian, Vietnamese, Assyrian, Croatian and Ukrainian, each with English subtitles.

This latest film has been produced by Dementia Australia in partnership with Why Documentaries and the Multicultural Communities Council of the Illawarra.

Dementia Australia would also like to thank Sri Om Care and the Australian-Indian Aged Care Support Holistic Association (AASHA) for their participation in the filming.

For more dementia resources in Hindi visit

Dementia Australia is the national peak body for people, of all ages, living with all forms of dementia, their families and carers. It provides advocacy, support services, education and information. An estimated 425,000 people have dementia in Australia. This number is projected to reach more than 1.1 million by 2056. Dementia Australia is the new voice of Alzheimer’s Australia.

National Dementia Helpline 1800 100 500

Interpreter service available

(The National Dementia Helpline is an Australian Government Initiative)

Dementia is a National Health Priority Area

Sunny Pathak

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