Have you ever noticed how the bladder becomes full just at the wrong time, after you’ve slipped into your swimming trunks and waded into waist-deep ocean water? Then you have to drag yourself out all the way back again and run into one of those shore toilets. Right?
Well, you don’t have to. If no one’s looking, you can just let yourself go in the ocean water. Because when it comes down to brass tacks, your urine and the ocean water are not really that different in composition.
Urine is over 95% water, and it contains sodium, potassium and chloride, which are also found in seawater. Even the nitrogen that our urine contains is useful, because it combines with water and forms ammonia, which feeds ocean plant life. So it turns out that all those jokes that you used to crack as a kid while peeing in front of a tree (that you’re watering it) are not really jokes. They’re true. When you let rip inside the ocean, you are – in a way – feeding aquatic plants.
Ocean water, on the other hand, is 96.5% water, and the remaining is made up chiefly of sodium and chloride. Also the amount of urea that exists in the ocean far, far, outweighs the ability of any one person (or all the people on the planet) to make any more difference than the proverbial drop in the ocean.
So the next time you’re in the sea and you feel the need to ‘go’, go ahead without feeling the prick of conscience. There simply is nothing to feel guilty about.