At the break of dawn when most of us are trying hard to get out of bed and start a day of work at our comfortable offices, Rajesh and his wife with their two little kids are figuring out how to dismantle their home before the cops arrive with their bulldozers to smash everything away. […]Read More
Many a brave man has worried about the impending arrival of a credit card bill after his wife’s recklessness at a sale. Ironically, a sale is supposed to save money. Try telling that to poor husbands and boyfriends across the globe! I guess there’s no two ways about it… Women love to shop. Which, if […]Read More
‘Currency trading is a balancing act between a particular currency against a basket of other currencies. If one currency falls, then definitely other currencies will rise.’ The strength of a currency depends on its demand. It’s the universal law of supply and demand. When a demand for a currency is high, its value will rise. […]Read More
In the beginning, God created the earth and rested. Then God created Man and rested. Then God created Woman. Since then, neither God nor Man has rested. Well I am not too sure about God, but I can vouch for me, about not resting much since I tied the knot. Sigmund Freud is considered to […]Read More