The Stunning Mitchell Falls of Western Australia
Mitchell River National Park is known for its untouched, unexploited natural beauty. The park, which is located approximately 200 miles away from Melbourne, has an impressive collection of river sceneries, rainforests and a variety of other unusual landscapes to explore. Mitchell Falls is one of the most popular attractions of this park. The waterfalls are located in the North Kimberley region and can be accessed only via a helicopter or on foot. Tourists can visit the falls during the dry season only (May to November), since the road that leads you to the falls (Gibb River Road) is open to public during these months only.
After November the wet season begins, during which the park area receives an average rainfall of 1600mm, making the Mitchell Plateau region extremely unstable due to uninterrupted torrential rains. The rivers run wild, sweeping away everything that comes in their way. This water later falls into majestic cataracts and takes the shape of numerous waterfalls and gorges which are located in the area. The stunning, four tiered Mitchell Falls too receive their share of water from the rainwater accumulated during the wet season.
The best time to visit the falls is from July to October. If you like to bush walk, you’ll be able to access Mitchell Falls after walking for about 2 hours over a patch of extremely rough terrain. Opt for this option, only if you are an experienced bush walker. Else, you can go for a helicopter ride, that’ll allow you to cover a lot more ground in a shorter span of time.