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A shocking election result happened on November 8, 2016, when Donald Trump defied the establishment, the media and the entire political pundit army in the United States to snatch the Presidency of America from Hillary Clinton’s hands. In this article, we tell you eight things that we learned from his victory.
November 8, 2016, was a red-letter day for the majority of Americans that voted in Donald Trump to be the forty fifth President of the United States. It was a win that shocked just about everyone with regular access to the internet (read privileged), not to mention large swathes of the media establishment and celebrities. We heard throughout the campaign that it was Hillary Clinton’s election to lose, that she had ‘in the bag’, and that Trump could never win.
But he did. Not by a little. It was a shellacking.
Here’s what his election win tells us.

1. The divide between the left and the right is growing.

It used to be that the liberal left and the conservative right could talk to each other civilly. Those days are long behind us. The left-leaning media and the privileged class’s strategy during this presidential campaign has been to laugh at any Trump’s supporter, and to label every Trump supporter as racist, misogynist and violent. There was absolutely no dialogue between the two groups, and even now, after the election has come and gone, there is no dialogue now either, with the democrats still shouting off rooftops and the republicans still maintaining stony silence.

2. Nationalism is on the rise, globalism is on the wane.

It started, in hindsight, with the election of Narendra Modi as Prime Minister of India in 2014. That was the first sign of things going the ‘right’ way. Then Brexit happened, sending shockwaves down people’s hearts, and now, the biggest upset of them all where nationalistic fervour tipped globalism. Trump’s campaign slogan was to ‘make America great again’, and he always spoke of ‘putting America first’. While people are not averse to being a good global citizen, they’re not going to put global interests ahead of national interests.

3. The mainstream media is biased.

If it is true in the United States, it’s probably true around the world too. Americans have often known that their media is biased, but the extent of this bias only came to the fore during this election, where news outlets routinely ignored all of Clinton’s many misdemeanours leaked by Wikileaks and caught on to just about everything Trump said. It was also proven that 96% of news media outlets in the United States have donated to the Clinton campaign, making them unfit to be the unbiased reporters that they claim to be.

4. People don’t care about how celebrities vote.

We might like their music, we might like how they look, we might watch their movies, we might enjoy their music, but we don’t enjoy being told by them who to vote for. Nor do we enjoy being made fun of for our political leanings. Some celebrities wisely maintained a neutral stance throughout the race, but they were definitely in the minority. The vast majority of them actively campaigned for Hillary and implored the American people to vote for her. They went to the extent of verbally abusing the other side. And well, the other side just turned up and voted.

5. It is possible to win humbly against the odds.

Donald Trump just pulled off the most brilliant upset in the history of upsets. This is arguably the most challenging job on the planet, and when he cast his nomination last year in June, no one gave him a chance of even winning the Republican nomination, let alone the Presidency. They laughed at him and his supporters, repeatedly said he will not be the nominee, and they kept laughing as he quietly knocked down one hurdle after another. Even on the night before the election results were to be announced, the Clinton camp was confident that they will pull it off. But Trump defied them all, and perhaps most importantly, made a gracious acceptance speech and spoke of inclusion.

6. Democrats can be spoilt brats too.

There was much hue and cry about a debate question during the race when Donald Trump did not explicitly answer a question about whether he would accept the election results. But when the shoe came on to the other foot, what happened? Hillary Clinton supporters took to the streets and protested relentlessly, chanting, ‘He is not my president’. Once a party loses, they begin to question the rules of the game, which were abundantly clear right from the beginning. This is just sore loser syndrome, and it was evident that even those who count themselves as ‘liberal’ – which ironically means open-minded – indulge in.

7. The polls can be wrong.

Just about every poll during the Presidential race predicted Hillary Clinton would win handsomely. However, in the battleground states, Trump managed to stay within the margin of error in all states, and ultimately won all five of the big ones (Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Iowa) to flip them from ‘blue to red’. At the end, the pollsters were made to look shamefaced just as the pollsters to the Brexit issue were left scratching their heads after that result. The lesson here is that polls can be wrong, and when combined with a biased media, can hide the truth even in this age of information.

8. It is important to seek out alternative information sources.

As a citizen in our current, connected world of information, it is important that we seek out alternative media sources to educate ourselves on what’s going on. The American people did this with Wikileaks, Project Veritas and various other small YouTube channels which uploaded raw Congress footage that brought to light many of Hillary Clinton’s skeletons. Now, more and more people will shun the mainstream media and use these alternate sources of information for their education. Which can only be a good thing.

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Ankit Gupta

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