
Homemade Remedies You Can Make Using Ginger

 Homemade Remedies You Can Make Using Ginger

Did you know that Ginger is a beneficial herb for treating many types of ailments? You can use Ginger to make homemade recipes by adding it to a combination of other herbs. Ginger has anti-microbial properties that fight viral infections and bacteria. Besides, it also has healing properties that will restore your body to form. So, having fresh Ginger in your home is a no-brainer, especially in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. Fortifying your immune system is the best way to stay healthy all year round.

Fresh Ginger also has anti-oxidative benefits for boosting immunity. The botanical name of Ginger is zingiber officinale, and it belongs to a family called Zingiberaceae.

Here are some homemade remedies you can make with Ginger-

Curing Headache with Ginger

If you suffer from chronic headaches, you can crush Ginger and add little water to make a thin paste. Then, rub it on your forehead. After 15 minutes, wash the paste off.


  • Adding about 1-3 grams of Ginger to boiling water is effective against indigestion or irritable bowel.

Excessive Sleep

For issues associated with excessive sleep, mix fresh Ginger with honey and lemon juice. A teaspoon of each is all you need. Mix them well and swallow. You may experience slight stomach irritation but do not worry as it will only be temporary. The mixture will improve blood circulation and make your sense organs active. This mixture is effective against sleepiness, vomiting, nausea, headaches, and hangover.



For Sinusitis, dropping two or three drops of ginger extract into your nose will cause your nasal membrane to be irritated so that you can sneeze out the sputum blocking your nasal airwaves. Ginger is also great for relieving joint stiffness and blood circulation when mixed with sesame oil.

Abdominal Colic Pain and Bloating

To deal with colon pain and bloating, you need sour milk, a pinch of rock salt, and 1-2 grams of Ginger. Take this mixture at night before dinner.

General health complaints

If you suffer from a chest injury, chronic bronchitis, cough, or tuberculosis, 48ml of fresh ginger juice with milk should be consumed. As you progress, increase the dosage by 6ml each day and continue the process for one month. During this period, avoid solid food and drink a lot of milk.

Note that this homemade recipe promotes strength, lifespan, skin health, immunity, and body nourishment.

Voice Hoarseness

If you suffer from voice hoarseness or loss of voice, 1-3 grams of dry rhizome powder, Ginger, and honey should be divided into three doses and taken accordingly. This solution is also effective for body pains, but the rhizome powder has to be increased to 10 or 20ml and taken twice a day. As you do so, you will notice an improvement in your physical condition.


To combat cold and cough, mix 2-5 grams of dry rhizome powder with jaggery and 10ml of dried ginger powder. Mix in water and drink every morning to warm your system.

Sameer Salunkhe

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