Ask a man or a woman who were born before the 90’s about their childhood and occasionally getting smacked for their wrong doings would certainly be a part of it, but they would also admit that it made them responsible adults. In 1979 Sweden decided to change the norm and became the first nation to […]Read More
Do people exercise for good health or for good looks? I don’t know about you, but when I started going to the gym regularly in my late teens, warding off the risk of heart disease was the last thing on my mind. I wanted to look like Brad Pitt in Troy. I wanted a six-pack, […]Read More
“Ego is a veil between humans and God, in prayer all are equal.” – Rumi People often confuse ego with self respect. They are two different mechanisms and in a way, opposite of one another. While ego encourages manipulation, futile comparisons and avoidance of hard work, self respect on the other hand inspires us to […]Read More
The ghosts of marketing failures do not spare even the best of brands and agencies. Some of the brands who have suffered marketing failures have paid a really huge price in order to get past these blunders. Most of the times, marketing disasters occur due to lack of strategic coordination but more often than not, […]Read More
Our experiences shape the thoughts we harbor. Ours is an existence tempered with shades of varying emotions and perspectives. Each day, we go through life-gaining experiences, learning new things, overcoming obstacles, making new friends and at times, parting from old ones. We witness a plethora of events, each of which, in its own little way, […]Read More
Heard the suburban folks feel good when they tell you, “OMG, I am so thankful I don’t work in the CBD. It’s a chaos to commute, both in and out, lunch waiting queues make you cry and it is just the same concrete jungle view day in and day out…” Thankfully, Docklands comes to rescue. […]Read More
While present day understanding of Yoga is limited to seeing it only as a mode of physical exercise, the word ‘yoga’ actually implies ‘union.’ It is meant to be a true union of mind, body and spirit, thereby taking one to the heights of spiritual advancement, perfect physical health and unparalleled equanimity of mind. While […]Read More
There’s more to it than meets the eye Have you ever wondered why your husband or boyfriend falls asleep as soon as he achieves orgasm? Well, if you are not, a lot of women from all around the world are wondering. More than wondering, they are getting all agitated and frustrated that the person they […]Read More
Some people say that grey hair look classy but for the rest of us sane ones, grey hair can lead to depression. You must have heard someone saying, “There should be a magical pill to avoid grey hair”. Well now there is. Researchers are claiming that they have found the ultimate cure for grey hair. […]Read More
Vitamin C is an essential nutrient which your body needs in order function properly. It is also known as the ascorbic acid and it’s a water soluble vitamin. Animals possess the ability to generate Vitamin C in their bodies naturally but humans,no matter how far we think we have come in the evolution cycle, are […]Read More