Mohammed Yusuf Khan, more known by his professional name, Dilip Kumar, was an Indian film actor, producer, and politician. He was born on December 11, 1922, and lived a full and accomplished life before recently passing away at the ripe age of 98. Acting Career Before passing, Kumar left a rich legacy of more than...Read More
We Indians, created zero and we are really proud of that. But you do know who this zero guy really is? Have you seen those fantasy movies in which a strange creature enters the Earth or a very powerful but mysterious article (like the damned ‘Ring’ in the Lord of the Rings! or the ‘Sorcerer’s...Read More
Corporate travelers would know the importance of a business luxury hotel when it comes to business. So, here we have handpicked some of the best luxury hotels in the world to help you find your perfect hotel, when you are on an international travel course. BANGKOK The hotels in Bangkok are amongst the finest. They...Read More
Guide to Thai Curries Curries are popular in India too, but Indian curries are much thicker as compared to their Thai counterparts which usually have soup like consistency. Served in all parts of Thailand, Thai curries are becoming exceedingly popular since they not only taste good but are quite nutritious as well. You can cook...Read More
Who loves to spend hours at the beauty salon? What you really like about your frequent trips to the salon is how stunning they make you look. You don’t really enjoy those tiring, time-consuming beauty treatments which are often painful as well, isn’t it? How incredible it would be if you could get some kind...Read More
According to a Wealth-X report, super-rich Indians – defined as those with a net worth of $30 million and above – have now become one of the largest populations based abroad. It is becoming a popular practice for the world’s ultra-wealthy to look for ‘global citizenship’ (or a second place of residence), and India’s wealthy...Read More
Dal is one of the staple foods of India. Ideally it should have soup-like consistency but there are different variations of dal in different parts of the country. You can add chunky vegetables, koftas and even chicken to your dal in order to make it more interesting. Here, we have discussed the recipe of Chana...Read More
If you’re wondering whether or not you need health insurance, you probably do. Unless you’re extremely wealthy and you can foot an emergency medical bill without going to anyone with hat in hand, you will most likely need to be insured. Even if you are wealthy, as you age, health issues will come up more...Read More
With a population of over a billion, you would expect that China won’t have an inch of space to move around freely. The most populous country in the world is expected to have cities which are drowned amidst huge crowds, where you can’t be alone on a street for more than 30 seconds. Enter the...Read More
Comedian, Ari Teman wanted to make some easy bucks by renting his apartment on AirBnB as he had plans to go away for the weekend. AirBnB is a website where you can put up your property for rent even for a day or two. Teman rented out his apartment to a guy named David who...Read More