
Tags : Timepass

Entertainment Timepass

The Underrated Pleasure of Rewatching Beloved Shows – An Ode to Endless Encores

In an era where streaming services are constantly churning out new content, and the phrase “too much television” has become a common complaint, there’s something uniquely comforting about returning to old favourites. Far from being a sign of dullness, rewatching shows like ‘House,’ ‘Supernatural,’ ‘Dexter,’ ‘Seinfeld,’ and ‘Friends’ offers an addictive joy that’s worth delving...Read More

Timepass Experience Life & Style

The Attainable Quest for Serenity in a Frantic World

In an age characterised by unending to-do lists, digital distractions, and the ceaseless chase for success, the concept of serenity seems almost fantastical-akin to a fairy-tale ending where everyone lives ‘happily ever after’. However, despite the clamour of modern life, the pursuit of serenity is not only attainable but essential for holistic well-being. It’s about...Read More