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Tags : world news

World World News

A Blind Eye to Injustice: The World’s Apathetic Response to the Taliban’s Misogynistic Oppression of Afghan Women

As we scroll through our newsfeeds, pausing momentarily to absorb headlines about global climatechange, political upheavals, and the latest technological marvels, there exists a shadow that hoversmenacingly over Afghanistan—a shadow cast by the resurgent Taliban and their draconian views on women. It’s a bitter pill to swallow: in a world that prides itself on advances...Read More

Handpicked News World News

Twitter initiates new policy: Set to ban users who spread Covid-19 Disinformation

The new policy will permanently ban offenders who repeatedly spread misinformation about the Virus. In a recent statement, Twitter says it will issue warnings to users who spread misleading information about coronavirus. The strike system will be implemented on a gradual basis. Users who fail to comply will have their accounts permanently suspended on the...Read More