
Tags : world news

World News Handpicked

Deciphering the deluge – The forces behind Dubai’s unprecedented flooding

In a region synonymous with arid landscapes and towering dunes, the recent catastrophic flooding in Dubai has prompted a flurry of questions and concerns. As the city grapples with the aftermath, experts and citizens alike are keen to understand the origins of such intense rainfall, especially in a city not typically associated with such weather...Read More

World News Handpicked News World

Digital Theft for Nuclear Gain – North Korea’s Crypto Heists Funding its Nuclear Ambitions

In the shadowy corners of international finance and global security, North Korea has found an unconventional means of sustaining its nuclear ambitions- cryptocurrency heists. This burgeoning digital frontier has become a battleground where Pyongyang’s operatives engage in sophisticated cyber warfare, targeting the vast, often unregulated reserves of digital currencies. This strategy not only highlights the...Read More

World World News

A Blind Eye to Injustice: The World’s Apathetic Response to the Taliban’s Misogynistic Oppression of Afghan Women

As we scroll through our newsfeeds, pausing momentarily to absorb headlines about global climatechange, political upheavals, and the latest technological marvels, there exists a shadow that hoversmenacingly over Afghanistan—a shadow cast by the resurgent Taliban and their draconian views on women. It’s a bitter pill to swallow: in a world that prides itself on advances...Read More