
Tags : Coronavirus

Covid 19

गर्भावस्था और स्तनपान के दौरान कोविड-19 का टीकाकरण

हम उन महिलाओं के बारे में बात कर रहे हैं, जो बच्चों को स्तनपान कराती है, गर्भवती है अथवा गर्भधारण के बारे में सोच रही हैं। यह महिलाएं Comirnaty (Pfizer) और Spikevax (Moderna) नामक टीका ले सकती हैं अन्यथा Nuvaxovid (Novavax) या Vaxzevria (Astra Zeneca) जैसे कोविड-19 का टीका भी ले सकती हैं। गर्भधारण की...Read More

Covid 19

यदि आप कोविड संक्रमित है तो किसे करे सूचित

कोविड संबंधित जानकारी। अगर आप में कोविड पॉजिटिव पाए जाते है तो आपको निम्नलिखित बातों का ध्यान रखना चाहिए। आप कोरोना वायरस से संक्रमित है या नहीं ये जांचने के दो तरीके है। आप रैपिड एंटीजन टेस्ट करवा सकते है या पी सी आर टेस्ट करवा सकते है। अगर आपका रैपिड एंटीजन टेस्ट पॉजिटिव आता...Read More

Australia Covid 19 Indians in Adelaide Indians in Australia Indians in Brisbane Indians in Melbourne Indians in Perth Indians in Sydney

Know The Omicron Restrictions In Your State

Amidst the approaching festivities when people were just about to rejoice with their near and dear ones either by travelling overseas or planning a party, the Omicron variant came as a rude shock. New South Wales and Victoria were two significant states that recently removed two-month-long lockdown. However, despite the high vaccination rate, there has...Read More

Covid 19

Is Omicron more dangerous than Delta

Scientists and Healthcare Professionals have termed Omicron as the new ‘’variant of concern’’ which has now spread in more than sixty countries. Reports suggest that it poses a high global health risk because some of the evidence indicates that it evades vaccine protection. However, in-depth clinical data to show its severity is still limited; hence...Read More

Australia Covid 19 News

COVID-19 Vaccination Remains Voluntary as Scott Morrison Clarifies There Will Not Be a Mandatory Vaccine Policy

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison made it clear in a statement last week that there will be no federal policy that requires COVID-19 vaccinations mandatory. Inoculation is purely voluntary, but employers do have the option of requiring the jab for high-risk workers. Morrison explains that companies have the discretion to make the vaccine mandatory for...Read More

Australia Covid 19 News

Scott Morrison says social distancing will prevail until the discovery of a vaccine

As a means of tackling the coronavirus problem, Australians are being encouraged to download a voluntary tracing app that is available online. Stuart Robert, the Government Services Minister, said the intended purpose for building this tracing app was to curb the spread of coronavirus. Once set up, the COVIDSafe app uses Bluetooth tech to search...Read More